You must provide at least one phone number and your personal email address so we can notify you quickly if your status changes. To protect your privacy, please do not provide an email address from your organisation.
PLEASE NOTE! When providing additional names you must fill in ALL First Given Name, Middle or Other given names and Family Name fields where applicable eg. Maiden name = Jane Doe Smith NOT Maiden name = Smith. If you do not provide all name details your request may be delayed or we may be unable to complete your check. This may require you to return to the Service NSW Centre to verify your details again.
Proof of identity requirements & Documents using a former name? Click here
Reference Numbers come from the document (eg: Passport, Birth Certificate, Medicare Card, Customer number etc)
You must select ‘Yes’ if you have ever been charged (regardless of court outcome)* with serious offences (or similar) in a country other than Australia. To see the list of offences, click here
PLEASE NOTE! You will be required to provide a copy of your overseas police certificate or police record. If the certificate or record is in a language other than English, you will need to provide a National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) translation of the certificate or record.
Please confirm that the following information is correct